Proposed by Marko Pogačnik
The human beings would be lost in the era of the planetary transformation with all the escalating ecological, political and economical challenges, if there would not be different beings and intelligences at various levels of existence ready to help.
I mean those beings of the Earth and the Universe that are more experienced concerning different aspects of creation than we are, like elemental beings, souls of human ancestors and descendants including the ascended masters, angelic beings, civilisations of the inner Earth and somebody else: the extra-terrestrials!
Like with all those beings, before we can expect to be able to cooperate with them, we have to change our preconceptions of who they are and what their relationship to our planet and our civilization might be. We have to let them free from “their cosmonautic technology”. First of all they represent different aspects of cosmic consciousness and use different forms through which they are known to us only as means of communication – like the elemental beings do.
One line of those beings from the space could be called extraterrestrial elemental beings since they perform similar service to the constitution of the universal space as the terrestrial elemental beings do in relationship to the earthly creation. I described my perception of one of their kind in my letter to LifeNet on August 12th 2009. (also to be read in my blog www.markopogacnik.com)
The Meditation of the Month is this time dedicated to gentle touching the sphere of the mentioned beings, to get some experience of their existence. The contacts that may come into being might be important now and in the future, not only for us personally!
The point of departure for the meditation is the energy centre at the back that I have described in my book “Touching the Breath of Gaia” on page 85 as one of the perception chakras of the back. It is positioned between the shoulder blades where the angelic wings are fastened concerning the traditional images.
Imagine that two threads like two antennas take source from there to move freely into the space behind your back.
But before one could use them, they should be attuned to the heart quality to prevent that they would bump into foreign energy or beings. Imagine to turn both “antennas” forward and to dip them for a while into your heart space to tune them properly.
Then you are free to move them through your back space even high up or deep down and listen to qualities and beings that might come into resonance with the combination of your heart powers and the point of departure between the shoulder blades.
The exercise can be done also in lying on ones belly.
Our interest to touch into that dimension is not only for our fun but also to explore lines of communication that will be important in the future as they are already now.